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Working Group 2
Experimental hydrodynamic modelling and testing of WECs, WEC arrays/farms, PTO systems, and field testing
During the past 5 years the sector has witnessed the rapid development of numerical tools used for wave energy projects,
however there is at present an acute need for data that can be used for their validation and thus for the assessment of the related uncertainties. The experimental facilities typically employed to model WECs, WEC arrays or WEC components are wave basins/flumes and towing tanks for hydrodynamic testing, wave emulators to perform dry tests for PTO systems, and sea test sites.
WG2 aims at a better understanding of physical modelling aspects: scale, laboratory effects etc.
Dr. Francesco Ferri
Working Group 2 Leader
Aalborg University
Prof. Lorenzo Cappietti
Working Group 2 Vice Leader
University of Florence
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