Applications are closed
The 8th call for STSM applications for Missions occurring between 15/08/2022 and 10/10/2022 is open. Deadline for applications to be submitted: 31/07/2022. The STSMs need to contribute to the scientific objectives of one or more WECANet Working Groups (WGs).
Background STSMs
Short Term Scientific Missions (STSM) are aimed at supporting individual mobility and at strengthening the existing networks and fostering collaborations by allowing scientists to visit an institution or laboratory in another Participating COST Country, or in approved COST Near Neighbour Countries (NNC) Institutions or in approved International Partners Countries (IPC) institutions. A STSM should specifically contribute to the scientific objectives of the COST Action, while at the same time allowing applicants to learn new techniques or gain access to specific instruments and/or methods not available in their own institutions. STSM applicants must be engaged in an official research programme as a PhD Student or postdoctoral fellow or can be employed by, or affiliated to, an Institution or legal entity which has within its remit a clear association with performing research. The institutions / organisations where applicants pursue their main strand of research are considered as Home institutions. The Host institution is the institution / organisation that will host the applicant.
Financial support
STSM must respect the following criteria:
They must have a minimum duration of 5 calendar days that includes travel
STSM need to be carried out in their entirety within a single Grant Period and always within the Action’s lifetime
An STSM Grant is a fixed financial contribution which takes into consideration the budget request of the applicant and the outcome of the evaluation of the STSM application. STSM Grants do not necessarily cover all expenses related to undertaking a given mission.
A STSM Grant is a contribution to the overall travel, accommodation and meal expenses of the Grantee.
Realistic budget planning is one of the major criteria for the application ranking.
Gender, geography, ESR balance and qualifications of the applicant will be taken into consideration when evaluating the proposals.
Applications should be in line with the action objectives and scientific activities as stated in COST Action CA17105 Memorandum of Understanding.
After the STSM: Immediately after the completion of STSM (within 30 days after the end date of the STSM), the grantee is required to upload a scientific report to the eCOST platform (applicant is notified) and the host approval containing:
Purpose of the STSM
Description of the work carried out during the STSM
Description of the main results obtained
Future collaboration with host institution (if applicable)
Foreseen publications/articles resulting or to result from the STSM (if applicable)
Confirmation by the host institution of the successful execution of the STSM
How to apply for Missions
In order to apply for the STSM the applicant should prepare an application as follows:
Obtain the written agreement from the host institution that the STSM applicant can perform the activities detailed in the STSM work plan on the agreed dates
Obtain a letter of support from the home institution
Prepare: two page project proposal, describing the foreseen activities, following the classical scheme: Objectives, State of the Art, Project Work-plan, Deliverables
Full CV, including list of applicant publications
Complete the online application form (see https://e-services.cost.eu/stsm) and upload all the requested documents
The ranking criteria are:
Scientific quality and originality/novelty
Feasibility of the approach and realistic planning of the application
Benefit of the STSM (added-value for the applicant, host and home institutions, and COST Action WECANet)
Application, approval and payment procedures are managed through the e-COST platform, and are explained in detail in the COST Vademecum. Detailed information on participants’ eligibility, evaluation and selection, financial support, and grant payment procedures can be found in the Annotated Rules for COST Actions.
Templates and more information can be downloaded below.
Questions to be addressed to the STSM Coordinator Prof. Liliana Rusu (liliana.rusu@ ugal.ro)
Finished and upcoming STSMs
Applicant Name | STSM Title | Host Institution | Grant Period |
Mr. Louis De Beule | Experimental testing of WEC control strategies for the WECfarm project | Dr. Francesco Ferri, Aalborg University, Denmark | GP3 |
Mr. Hendrik Claerbout | Experimental testing of the WECfarm Wave Energy Converter | Dr. Francesco Ferri, Aalborg University, Denmark | GP3 |
Mr. Bono De Witte | Experimental testing of the WECfarm Wave Energy Converter | Dr. Francesco Ferri, Aalborg University, Denmark | GP3 |
Mr. Timothy Vervaet | Experimental validation of the WECfarm Wave Energy Converter | Dr. Francesco Ferri, Aalborg University, Denmark | GP3 |
Ms. Maria Gkougkoudi-Papaioannou | RoundRobin Testing Program (RoRoTP)-First phase-Preparation of the
experimental work in Ghent University | Dr. Vicky Stratigaki, Ghent University, Belgium | GP3 |
Mr. Nicolas Quartier | Advanced wave energy converter model in DualSPHysics, with accurate boundary conditions, variable power take-off force and mooring lines | Dr. Alejandro J. C. Crespo, Universidade de Vigo, Spain | GP3 |
Mr. Joe El Rahi | Development of a fluid-structure interaction system within DualSPHysics for flexible oscillating structures with applications to wave energy converters (WEC) | Dr. Alejandro J. C. Crespo, Universidade de Vigo, Spain | GP3 |
Dr. Dogan Kisacik | Laboratory-Scale Modelling of WECs and development of the WECANet-LABIMA benchmark test case | Prof. Lorenzo Cappietti, Florence University (UNIFI), Italy | GP2 |
Dr. Florin Onea | Technical assessment of the Black Sea wave power | Assoc. Prof. Adem Akpinar, Uludag University, Bursa, Turkey | GP2 |
Dr. Jens Peter Kofoed | Development and editing of the annual assembly report, annual report and Action book; extension of the website with an exclusive user area | Prof. Peter Troch, Ghent University, Belgium | GP2 |
Mr. Hugo Diaz Martinez | Wecanet (Wave farm) | Dr. George Lavidas, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands | GP2 |
Ms. Georgia Sismani | CFD analysis of flap-type WECs | Dr. Vicky Stratigaki, Ghent University, Belgium | GP2 |
Dr. Gianmaria Giannini | Power take-off system scaling and physical modelling | Dr. Irina Temiz, Upsalla University, Sweden | GP2 |
Mr. Timothy Vervaet | A DualSPHysics-OceanWave3D numerical wave basin to provide feedforward on the design of a wave energy converter array experimental set-up | Dr. Alejandro J. C. Crespo, Universidade de Vigo, Spain | GP1 |
Dr. Hisham Elsafti | Accurate and Efficient Numerical Modelling of Point Absorber WECs with OpenFOAM | Prof. Johan Roenby, Aalborg University Copenhagen, Denmark | GP1 |
Dr. William Finnegan | Experimental investigation of WECs for the validation of high performance numerical models | Dr. Paulo Rosa Santos, Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, Portugal | GP1 |
Ms. Tatiana Potapenko | Experimental modelling, testing and comparison of a linear generator PTO system of a wave energy converter | Prof. Markus Mueller, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom | GP1 |
Prof. Milen Baltov | Review of the decision making process and the economic factors behind the marine energy and wave energy projects. Marking the bridges towards the Blue growth drivers and possible donors and investors support to them | Prof. Peter Troch, Ghent University, Belgium | GP1 |
Mr. Nicolas Quartier | A DualSPHysics model coupled to MoorDyn and Project Chrono for numerical simulations of wave energy converters with mooring lines and a power take-off system | Dr. Alejandro J. C. Crespo, Universidade de Vigo, Spain | GP1 |
Dr. Brenda Rojas | WG3 Technology of WECs and WEC arrays | Dr. Irina Temiz, Upsalla University, Sweden | GP1 |