Working Group 1
Numerical hydrodynamic modelling for WECs, WEC arrays/farms and wave energy resources
Numerical modeling of WECs has reached the desired level of maturity in the last decade. A wide variety of models are currently available, ranging from the simplest ones that can to simulate wave propagation and far-field effects to the more complex models that can deal with the actual interaction between the waves and the devices. The latter can even simulate the mooring system and the presence of articulated parts connected by hinges, springs, pulleys, etc; being mandatory their use to simulate properly the behavior of the PTO. These models, which are based on a good understanding of the governing physics, can now help to optimize the design phase of WECs and to analyze their survivability, covering different time and space scales.
In addition, coupling techniques have gained popularity in recent years as a useful way to take advantage of the main strengths of each particular model and deal with the multiscale nature of the problems. Based on the fact that the efficiency of state-of-the-art models remains low, even with the notable increase in computational power achieved, coupling is especially appropriate when it comes to integrated problems that cover both far-field and near-field effects.
However, the multiscale nature of the problems, the lack of reliable and repeatable experiments to calibrate the models and the existence of communication gaps between modelers and experimentalists make the simulation of WECs an arduous task. Additional research should be conducted to develop a structural modelling based on benchmarking, in order to determine which model is best suited to each specific problem and build unified platforms for coupling between models (especially open-source models).

Prof. Moncho Gomez Gesteira
Working Group 1 Leader
University of Vigo

Prof. Aleksander Grm
Working Group 1 Vice Leader
University of Ljubljana